FAO aquatic species distribution map of Stichopus ocellatus |
2016-08-25 |
Date type
Revision: Date identifies when the resource was examined or re-examined and improved or
1.0 |
Edition date
2016-08-25 |
fao-species-map-jpt |
Presentation form
Digital map: Map represented in raster or vector form
The main sources of information for the species distribution are the habitat description and geographic range contained
in the published FAO Catalogues of Species (more details at http://www.fao.org/fishery/fishfinder ). Terms used in the descriptive context of the FAO Catalogues were converted in standard depth, geographic and ecological
regions and inserted into a Geographic Information System.
The distribution can help identifying areas of higher biodiversity or species associated with vulnerable marine habitats.
Maintenance and update frequency
As needed: Data is updated as deemed necessary
Graphic overview
Map overview
Descriptive keywords
FAO , FIGIS , fishery , fisheries , aquatic species distribution (theme). |
Descriptive keywords
Species distribution (theme). |
Descriptive keywords
JPT , Ocellated sea cucumber , Stichopus ocellatus , Stichopodidae , HOLOTHUROIDEA (theme). |
Descriptive keywords
fao-species-map-jpt (theme). |
Descriptive keywords
20319 (theme). |
Descriptive keywords
http://www.fao.org/figis/lod/flod/entities/codedentity/ 324d36b9714ce7b42cfd0c63543b36047eb9769b (theme).
Use limitation
The terms and conditions are available at http://www.fao.org/contact-us/terms/en |
Use limitation
Usage subject to mandatory citation: © FAO, 2016. Aquatic Species Distribution Maps. FAO aquatic species distribution map
of Stichopus ocellatus. In: FAO - Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (FI) [online]. Rome. Updated 2016-08-25 [Cited <DATE>]
http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home?uuid=fa o-species-map-jpt
Use limitation
Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of material in the map(s) are for illustration only and do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or constitutional status of any
country, territory or sea area or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.
Access constraints
Copyright: Exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a
literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or
label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an author, composer, artist,
Access constraints
License: Formal permission to do something
Use constraints
Copyright: Exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a
literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or
label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an author, composer, artist,
Use constraints
License: Formal permission to do something
Character set
UTF8: 8-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646
Topic category code
Biota |
Topic category code
Boundaries |
Supplemental Information
As fisheries are fundamentally spatially distributed, responsible management requires a solid understanding of the underlying
spatial dimension of fishery resources. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide the technology for mapping the distribution
of aquatic resources and to identify the spatial relationship with, their environment, the fishery management units, the
production systems, etc. which can support decision-making. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department plays a unique role
in providing such information which helps mapping global trends. All information organized and disseminated by the FAO Fisheries
and Aquaculture Department includes a geographic dimension as an essential element for monitoring fisheries at global level
and for supporting decision-making for FAO Members concerned with global fisheries governance.